Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hygiene anyone

Let's get right to it, I can't stress enough the importance of being clean when heading in to train and when its all said and done for the day. Its no fun at all to spar or roll jiu jitsu with someone who smells like they've spent the last year in and out of mexican prisons eating bean and cheese burritos the whole time. However, its not the smell that gets to me as much as the thought of the bacteria living in the sweat that's so scary. I'm not interested in getting a staff infection, ringworm, strept or any other nasty bugger running around out there. If you don't want to clean yourself then don't come train its a combat sport yes but not a disgusting sport.
For the love of god don't smoke a pack of cigarettes before you train(shouldn't even have to say this). Nobody wants your hot smokey breath invading their nostrils while in the clinch or working for position on the ground. Come on man...
Last but not least, its not just your breath or your bacteria laced sweat. Your clothes are an accomplice to the crime. Once they mildew... toss em'. You cannot wash that smell out no matter how much you try. I said toss em' but you might as well burn em'.
You don't need to smell like you're going to paint the town red with a couple UFC ring girls but at least wear some clean clothes, eat a mint, and for goodness sakes wash yo' a_ _!
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