What is up people! I have had some time off from the blog as I navigated through the holidays and have slowly come down from the high of fighting professionally which is still a trip for me to think about. I am about to get back on the mats for my own personal growth and also looking to grow as a coach by branching out and getting my fighters outside of Florida. I've watched them develop so much and they deserve to have the opportunities that weren't necessarily available to me. Goal smashing and hurdle jumping are key for the LMT brand and if you are a supporter I suggest you save some money for tickets and gear because things are about to get exciting. This isn't for the new year, this is for everyday. I Love that everyone prepares themselves for the new year with resolutions to do better than the year before it's a beautiful concept. I would offer a different perspective on personal growth whether that be physical or mental and that is that you tackle each day like it's the new year. Last year was brilliant and there were a some dreams that were realized and some that have been deferred but regardless of this time will not stop. We are chained to the clock so to speak and as many of us have seen with fighters in every combat sport the ones that don't progress in their craft tend to fall by the wayside. So this year we will take on a new mantra as it concerns fighting and in life. Everyday is a day for progress and some steps back are actually a giant step forward.
As we prepare for the first of many fights this year, the entire LMT team wishes all of you that have supported us happiness, health, prosperity, and most importantly progress.