Hey there H20'ers, I know it's been a while but i'm back and ready to update and educate(lol). Okay so if you don't know or it's your first time reading my blog I was taking some time away to prepare for my fight. I lost a decision. Yeah I know, it sucks. Well these things happen and I could go into details of how and why and a million and one excuses but at this point that's not important and I plan on writing on some of those things later. What's important now is getting back on the horse and back to training. Working towards getting better and shoring up those holes in my game. I could sit back and tell you all the cliche quotes in the world from every kind of philosophy about getting up after being knocked down but the fact of the matter is in every aspect in life you will find adversity. From relationships to fighting to working a 9 to 5 you will be tested on all levels, physical and mental. How will you deal with your adversities? The truth is you never know til it happens and the only advice I have is to KEEP GOING! None of us are perfect and we all will fall, not all of us will get back up. Just for the record though, I will and I hope you do as well. Only when you face adversity head on can you genuinely say you're really alive. So live people!! Get back on that horse when it bucks you off and ride it with your head high and your shoulders back because nobody can beat you but you. I love you all and I will be fighting again in February 2011. I have plenty of subject matter to discuss over the coming weeks so check back regularly. Peace!!!!
You damn right! I couldn't have said it any better and that's always a good reminder for anyone just dealing with... well, life :-). I'm proud of you buddy for so many reasons! :-)