I've been at this for some time. It's been a long road. I visualized teaching, fighting, and creating a team. I have far out accomplished what I thought I was capable of. I am on the verge of bigger dreams now, dreams that will allow me to take care of my family and give a sense of stability that can be passed on for generations to come. There have been extreme ups and downs and times where I wasn't sure why I was even doing this.The only answer I had came inside the gym. No matter what the circumstance the gym was there and I was there, kicking and punching my dreams into existence. I feel blessed to have found something I love and worked hard to study my craft in a way that I can teach it to others and make a living. It is a modest one but the future is bright. I encourage you all to do the same. Get out and hunt for it. Your dreams will not fall into your lap, it is your responsibility to hunt them down. As you take steps towards your dreams, they will take giant leaps towards you. There will be situations where you will be tested, do not let them slow your momentum. It may not happen overnight. The fact is I know it won't, but if you stay on your path and stay focused your dreams will happen and then some. Believe in yourself and do your best to let go of the things that hold you back. Anger about past situations and anxiety about future ones are merely obstacles and not what make you but what should drive you. There is a happiness in the journey alone, before you ever arrive at your dreams you become a different person, you feel a sense of purpose, of accomplishment. What started out as confusing as being lost in the woods will become clearer over time. The more you believe, the harder you work, the closer it will come. In your dreams you will find piece of mind and in your soul you'll find a fullness. Go dream hunting, you won't be sorry
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