How do you think when you train? Are you concerned with your belly fat, is it about lowering your cholesterol, or are you just fulfilling your New Year's resolution and just staying in shape. If you believe that when fighters train they think like you think you would be sadly mistaken. We have a "warrior's mindset" when we train. I work the heavy bag and mitts with purpose. Every movement is calculated and executed not with reckless abandon but with instinct and speed. Fighter's don't force or try to create power, power is the bi-product of technique and training. While most are losing weight and toning up their love handles we are preparing for battle. I have to believe that when i'm not training, my opponent is. I have to push harder and do more than he is doing because once the bell rings everything is exposed.

The If you haven't adopted or developed a warrior's mind in training that also will show as mental lapses and weakness. Oliver McCall cried in his corner, Victor Ortiz after being hit by Floyd Mayweather looked for the ref to save him. The flipside of that is if all the training is sufficient and mind made strong during training in the event of a losing scenario, we never quit. Bernard Hopkins proclaimed that he would fight with a dislocated shoulder after being tossed to the mat during a fight, Tim Sylvia, after having his arm broken by Frank Mir also wanted to continue. Another product of having strong mental power is insinct, Chiek Kongo was getting a beat down from Pat Barry before dropping barry with a punch surely thrown on instinct, Scott Smith has multiple finishes in fights where he looked like he was on his way to a loss. When you sharpen body you must also sharpen your brain. It will show in your performance.

"If you were the greatest warrior for your people and you were on your way to battle and got caught in an avalanche and got broken ribs. Would you get back on your horse and go home and lose the battle for your people or continue on and help your countrymen fight?" -Jex Fontaine
"I would continue on and fight" -LUCKY Lloyd Walton
"Good, then get in the ring" - Jex Fontaine
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