First, I think most people believe that losing is something that happens after the fight is over. In reality losing starts in the ring or the cage or whatever setting the competition is set in. I believe somewhere in the fight everything starts to seem a little surreal. Your body seeoms to be working on autopilot. It's doing everything you tell it to do but nothing seems to be effective. Meanwhile your opponent is living out some sort of Van Damme fantasy fight. If you're anything like me, you throw back everything but the kitchen sink but with no luck on this day. Your heart started sinking in the first round when you took the first hit or maybe the middle of the fight when the pace seemed to catch up with you or maybe right at the en d when you were throwing haymakers as a last resort. Somewhere in there you just know it's not your day. That's just the beginning because now you have to see all the people not just in the stands but your friends and fmily that came to support. I become very apologetic. I always feel like I let them down. I know that's not the case but I think it will always be that way.
You've made it through the gauntlet of family and friends etc. and now you start to feel doubt in yourself and what you do. That accompanied by the guilt of letting people including yourself down plus the increasingly painful bumps and bruises, cuts and other from the fight can make for a very powerful cocktail.
Losing is your defining moment in life in any form of competition or just in life itself. It is the choice, the choice to lay down and turn the other direction or stand up and embrace the loss as a part of your education. It is the ability to face fear or turn tail. It can also be as simple as the realization that this may just not be for you or it might just be the thing you had been waiting for your whole life. In any case, losing is one of the places you wish you hadn't been but one of the places that teaches you the most. You never forget losing. I know who I am, I know what I do after a loss. Who are you? What do you do?