Wow guys, what a year. I want to thank all of my readers for following the blog and also sending me emails and comments. Now let's get down to business. Anyone that knows me also knows that I have a hard time accepting compliments. I just don't think of myself as better than someone else as a person because I was blessed in one way or another. I'm grateful to just be able to do things I love everyday, to see my family, or even just crack a joke. That being said, I only ask to be respected. Don't blow smoke up my butt or push me too far out of ignorance or rudeness. I am not weak and I don't take well to a%#holes. I am a regular guy so I can imagine how this can be amplified for those professional athletes in the public eye. I've had the pleasure of meeting quite a few pros from all different sports and I can only say that some are very humble and laid back and some are egotistical and rude. These meetings prompted a 2 part blog on humility and ego, so first lets talk being humble.<br> <br/> Because of who I am I never mistaken kindness for weakness. Case and point Kenny Florian. I had the pleasure of meeting him recently and he was very cool. I work also as a doorman at an upscale nightclub in Miami and "Ken Flo" happened to stop by. He at no point demanded any special treatment and at the end of the night went out of his way to stop by and take a pic. He is a big name in the fight world and he acted as if he was just another Joe on the street. Just so you know for those not familiar with him. Kenny Florian is a beast in the octogan and he will smash you if you happen to be on the other side of the cage from him. It was really cool to meet a big name with a humble attitude. I don't expect everyone to be or act the same but I will express on the ground level that people don't appreciate conceit. If you're blessed enough to live your dream and earn money and a living from that, you should feel honored to be recognized. People work their fingers to the bone and save money to order these expensive pay per views or go to see the fights live. Fighters should be humble when they meet fans because without them there is no big money, house, or car to brag about. Ego is next so stay tuned. </p> <br/> <div style='clear: both; text-align: center; font-size: xx-small;'>Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2</div>
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
"If you ain't tappin', you ain't learnin'"
Now, that being said there are a couple guys out there that bend like rubber. Ben Henderson and Dan Hardy have defied the odds when defending submissions or at least hanging on until released from the grip of their respective opponents. When you see arms rotate in positions they shouldn't be in and then seconds later those same arms are throwing punches, it leaves you shaking your head.
All I can say are the words that were repeated to me over and over again. Train hard, learn how to be comfortable in awkward positions, and last but not least, "if you ain't tappin', you ain't learnin'".
The following are some videos from the Nitro tourney a couple years back. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
She doesn't have to get it, she's your mom!
Anyway, mom has since lightened up and become super supportive of me fighting and just generally being involved in something I love and am passionate about. So no, I don't know if she'll ever fully understand why I do what I do but she respects it and me for sticking to it. Don't expect for people to "get it", especially your mom. As long as you are real about honing your skills in and out of the cage/ring/mat it will shine through and you'll receive plenty of support. All that being said, I'm happy to introduce my mom in Bruce Buffers voice as my new editor: And in this corner writing out of St. Louis, Missouri, carrying a record of 40 and 0, the marauder of the midwest, my moooooom Kathy "The Letter Killer" Jooooooooohnsoooooon.!!!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Plateau

Plateau-The level reached in training at which one levels out. The "I don't feel like I'm getting any better" stage. This is usually accompanied by boredom and lack of motivation.
For those that have reached this place in their training, I understand your frustration. I too have felt the woes of leveling out. I don't know of any easy way to get out of this phase. I don't know if it's like in basketball, when you hit a dry spell, you just keep shooting til you make one or like in baseball, you swing yourself out of your rut. Of course, in both of those sports like many others, you sometimes need to make changes in order to step up to the next level or at least start performing well again.
Plateaus need to be treated like living in a city way too long. At some point you (the human body) needs a change of scenery. A change in training or at least training habits can force the body to have to adapt in order to keep up with the new training. This should bring some noticeable results in a hurry. Your level of skill depends entirely on your evolution in training. Don't get stuck doing the same training with the same people if nothing new has been introduced. Once you've reached a certain point you must change, adapt, and just plain evolve.
Monday, December 5, 2011
It's a Dirty Game

Next, let's get into the promoters, from Don King to Bob Arum, the unsavory taste is in the air and hard to deny. He admitted to bribing the International Boxing Federation president to receive a more favorable ranking for one of his fighters. He was also fined by the Nevada State Atheletic Comission for a bribe to get one of his fighters sanctioned. One word to describe these actions...hmmmm... DIRTY! In connection to the Margarito incident, oh yeah, he's promoted by Arums company. It's all "racially motivated". The suspension given to your Mexican fighter for getting caught trying to use loaded handwraps in California(of all places) where he was set to fight a black guy was somehow racially motivated. This statement shows a serious lack of ethical and logical thinking. There's just no telling who's on the up and up these days. So if you got good friends that are close to you, keep it that way cause new ones may not be friends at all. Beware of the dirt, once it gets on your hands, its hard to get clean again. I know of people in the industry that won't even shake hands with promoters. I would say something about Don King but I wouldn't want to end up like 2 other people that crossed paths with him. Wikipedia it...