Something I have realized lately is how a person's focus changes rapidly and each person has his or her own goals and obstacles to surpass. However challenging or rewarding those things may be, we must learn to live in our current moment. When i'm teaching class I should be focused on that moment, not the seconds before or after. When preparing for a Jiu Jitsu tournament I may be focused on winning a medal but the truth is, when I hit the mat and continue to focus on that medal my fate is surely sealed.
For those of you that fight, either for fun or for glory, you should live in the fight and embrace every moment from bell to bell. Don't get lost in the clouds. There is no time but this exact time. To get lost in the past is to miss the now and to forfeit the possibilities of future. This doesn't mean for a second you shouldn't remember your mistakes, but don't let them bring you down. Use them to evolve your game and your life.
I am the first to admit that I get caught up in my own head and the dreams of what could happen and the glories of times that are behind me. However, I am aware of these faults and work regularly to be in my moment. The easiest way I know to combat the constant barrage of thoughts outside of the now is to breathe. Deep breathing accompanied by the mantra of relax runs through my head over and over until I start to truly feel relaxed. I try to focus on what i'm doing, how my body is moving and what mistakes i'm making as well as what i'm doing well. It helps to realize that this moment will never come again, you get one chance to live at this particular time in this particular space. It is yours, own it fully and wholly.
Btw, this doesn't just go for fighting, this goes for every moment in life. Dig in and live it. Don't live in the past and use your now to create your future. Be blessed and thanks for listening.
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