Hey guys, it's a huge joy to put these thoughts and feelings into words and share them with you. In my opinion this is winning in a big way. It's long and drawn out and as long as I can think of something I can write it. However, victory in combat sports isn't the same. It's like being shot in the heart with adrenaline like Winona Ryder in Pulp Fiction or like Jonah Hill in Get him to the Greek "I'm aliiiiive!!!".

That's right it makes you feel like your alive. It's infectious to everyone around you. People you don't even know feel like somehow they were in the fight with you. This feeling lasts a different amount of time for every fighter. Some guys will talk there fights up for years, some for an hour,and some are ready to fight again immediately after they win. In there is the rub of the whole thing, no matter how long the feeling lasts, you want it again. Yeah i'm gonna say it...It's like crack. I have never tried it but that feeling of wanting it again has to be similar. I don't think it matters when that last fight was or how old you get, you want that feeling of victory again. I'm sure there are some old fighters out there long since retired that are still wanting to feel their hand raised just one more time. This is the reason that guys that haven't fought in years still talk about that one win as if it happened yesterday. I just had one a few weeks ago and already want it again, that might be a sickness. Don't get stuck on winning though because "winning isn't everything" or was it "winning isn't everything it's the only thing"!?! Only one things for sure as they say "you're only as good as your last fight" so let it be a win or accept it as a lesson.