"Find your beach" the beer commercial exclaims. That is a phrase that should be taken seriously especially for those of us that train constantly. I know you're king of the gym. You're the one that comes in early for your first session, push ups after lunch, and then right back in the gym for an evening session. Maybe you're the hardcore workout person doing crossfit three times a week mixed in with a spinning class, cardio boxing and yoga for flexibility. You sound like you got it all figured out, but I think you forgot something. R-E-S-T!!! We all need some time to relax and unwind. Your body needs time to grow, heal, and even learn. New movements always take a few days for my body to adapt and understand. The harder I try to force myself the further away I get from proper technique. If you're trying to muscle up you can't go everyday and push heavy weight at some point you need sleep or even a couple days off so your muscles can grow. Without rest in your routine you are not going to get the results you want or reach your goals.
When it comes to injuries I can't be more adamant about treating the problem. You should know the acronym R-I-C-E from high school health class(they're still teaching that right?). Anyway it stands for Rest Ice Compression Elevation. It really is self explanatory but you can easily take a common sense approach to this. If your foot hurts because of a sprain, stay off of it. If you have swelling somewhere ice it as soon as possible. You have nothing to prove to anyone, we already know you're tough by the activities you do.
We all need a break sometimes whether it be just rest from everyday life, overtraining in the gym, or for injury. Take some time for yourself and I guarantee you'll come back stronger and heal faster. You don't have to listen to me for advice, you can just simply listen to your body it definitely knows what it wants.
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