What's up Muay thai family! I hope all is well and great on your end. This is definitely a personal one for me. If you've been around me or heard me speak over the last 15 years then you know I have been saying that I wanted to fight as a pro at least once in my life. I was a late starter and a late bloomer in the fight game. I was simultaneously taking amateur Muay Thai fights, teaching classes, training amateur fighters, and doing jiu jitsu. I was doing this and teaching myself along the way. Other than the tremendous amount of help I got from my close fiend and world champion Sarah Z., I was coachless for the majority of this time and that surely played a part in my progression and what my career could have been. I was blessed however to win 3 amateur championships in three different organizations and a handful of jiu jitsu medals. Lately my amateurs are collecting W's and I am super proud about that. I've met some amazing people throughout this time period, I've done padwork for world champions, aficiandos, and regular joes. It is always an honor and a pleasure to train people that are as into the sport of Muay Thai as much as I am. I find that I am always learning something new from them. At 42 I am considered an old man in the fight game. The dream of being a pro is fading into the sunset. I feed off of and live vicariously through the conquests of champions like George Foreman and Bernard Hopkins, the tenacity and toughness of guys like Randy Couture and Maurice Smith who knocked out an opponent via headkick at 50 years old. Now I don't claim to be one of these greats but I am inspired by them daily. Father time is undefeated and I too will fall at the hands of this adversary, but what will I have accomplished by then? Will I have done everything I ever dreamed I could do or wanted to do? What about you, will you strive to accomplish your goals no matter how far fetched they might seem to be? After the years I have put in and accomplishments I have had the only thing I wished is that I would have started earlier. If you haven't yet taken a look at yourself in the mirror and asked straight up ,"Am I everything I set out to be?", then you should do that now. The last thing you want to do is be at the end of the line and regret not having done everything you wanted to do. Life is short and opportunities are fleeting. Dreams are visuals of infinite possibilities, doubt is the only thing that keeps dreams from becoming reality. Relinquish the doubt and embrace what could be. The imagination is a beautiful place, everything that was ever created by the human race was first brought to light in the imagination.
As for me, at some point I will only be able to hold pads, write workouts and supervise training. I will sit and reminisce about my days competing with a huge smile on my face and a cold beer in my palm. I will not however do that today, today I will have entered my name into a pool of fighters looking to fight on the only pro striking card in Miami. Mixed Striking Challenge 2 will be held in July and if I'm blessed enough I will have an opportunity to represent my brand of Muay Thai and live my dream before it is too late. I hope that whatever your dream is you decide to grab it by the throat and never let it get away from you. Just to reiterate, life is short and opportunities are fleeting.