Okay people, i'm back. After an extended hiatus it is nice to be typing the keys of this computer again. It was necessary to take a step back in order to properly calculate my direction going forward. I realized that I had started to burn out, and it was definitely getting to be a problem. So I took a break and now I feel like I have a better understanding of myself and my goals as an instructor and fighter.

Over the last 2 1/2 years I was fighting Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu as well as training my two amateur fighters and teaching multiple classes per week. I was also investigating a location either in Miami or Texas to bring Lucky's Muay Thai to life as well as helping some pro fighters prepare for their fights and dealing with a slew of injuries.
Needless to say trying to maintain a strong relationship at home, with friends, and with workplace was nearly impossible. A couple of months ago I lost a dear friend and I believe that was the same moment when I was having an epiphany about where I was. I had been spreading myself thin and offering my energy to everyone but me.

Here I had been thinking I was trying to perpetuate my career and my relationships with people as well as spread the word about Lucky's Muay Thai and I was doing the exact opposite. I was trying to force myself onto a higher plane, an impossible feat for a human being. After stepping back from everyone and everything for a moment I was able to see it for the truth that it is.
All that I have now in my current existence were brought to me through the purity of the training Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I didn't really make everything happen as much as it happened because of my belief in my passion. My training has provided for me everything i've needed including my family. I can't make it give me what I want, all those things will come as I naturally progress in the two sports that I have made my life's work. So now that I have come to this point the next thing I had to do was train. I did that and as I sat with my Jiu Jitsu Sensei Jorge Periera listening tom him give me advice on my guard game and it hit me like a ton of bricks again. This is where i'm meant to be, this is the language I speak. Its not the fighting that does it, its the love of getting an education not available through books. This education comes through the combination of mind, body, and soul at the very moments when they are necessary and the constant pursuit of that connection. Looking within and at the same time respecting what is outside of your current reach. As sensei would put it via Rickson Gracie,"finding a little bit of heaven inside of hell". I am amped to train a serious day of Muay Thai with the feelings of refreshed energy I have running through my body. I will definitely keep you all posted with new blogs and updates on the LMT movement. Love you all!!!

That being said, I suppose there are some things in my life that might be better told in long version and for that you'll have to buy the book. Yes, i'm working on a book. Some stories of my life mixed with philosophy and my personal relationship with the martial arts is what to expect. Excerpt soon to come!